College News

General Secretary Xi's "July 1" Speech

To deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi's "July 1" speech and promote the study of Party history, on July 24th, the Party branch of the International Education School held an online meeting on the theme of in-depth study of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1" speech. The online meeting focused on the theme of "July 1", hosted by Liu Kangxi, the IES branch secretary.

At the beginning of the meeting, Liu Kangxi, the school secretary, led the audience on the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1" speech, which includes the Party’s founding spirit and the "nine musts". He called on everyone to follow the Party’s call, firmly believe in this ideology. After that, students hold a positive discussion on "July 1" speech in the context of current hot topics.

On that day, the Party group shared a special lesson. During which, Mr. Lian Yuanjie attached great importance to the Party history learning, Mr. Wang Jia-ning and Mr. Ding Peng-bo shared the story of half a bed quilt and called on students to develop the spirit in the new era; and students revisited the struggle. Mr. Ning Ziqing told the red story in English, exhibited charm of the history of the CPC. Ning also gave a red speech in English. Secretary Liu Kangxi commented on Ning’s speech, also shared with the students about the experience of visiting Peasant Movement Seminar in Guangzhou. This story is of revolutionary optimism.

Finally, Mr. Wang, Vice President of this university, made a concluding speech. He emphasized that we should grasp the significance, rich connotation, and  practical requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1" important speech, and put forward three requirements on the study of Party history: First, we should combine the spirit of learning the "July 1" speech with party history learning and education, put theory into practice; Second, we should correctly analyze the exploration of socialism, the use of dialectical materialism to understand the gains and losses of the construction period; Third, we should adhere to the party history learning, solidly go deeper and more practical.

Through this meeting, branch members seriously studied the July 1 speech, while profoundly implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's discourse. Members of the branch talked about experience in line with their personal understanding, as they will inherit the great party spirit, and create the future.