College News

Upcoming Events at Hanyang University in Korea

Founded in 1939,Hanyang University (한양대학교) has 70 years’history with two campuses in Seoul and Ansan. As a comprehensive university, it develops on basis of technology. With over 25,000 undergraduates and 1,000 professors, Hanyang University is an AACSB-accredited university. It is ranked 146th in QS 2021 and 3rd in the Korea Central Daily's University Rankings. For engineering,한양대학교is ranked No. 1,known asMIT of Korea.

Hanyang University offers various overseas programs to provide students with an international perspective, language skills as well; it also takes overseas educational programs as its priority. It sends exchange students and trainees in the IT field abroad, to support overseas internship programs, to recognize language trainees’credits, and send outstanding graduates for studying at world-famous institutions, later graduate as human resources needed by society.

In November 2001, Hanyang University hosted the 8th Asia Pacific University Presidents' Conference on the theme of "The Role of Universities for the Future", attended by representatives from 60 educational institutions,13 countries. In November 2006, the 9th Hanyang-Waseda Symposium on "Sports for all" and "Sports Management" was held with Waseda University, a joint paper presentation as well.

Hanyang University offers a joint “2+2” undergraduate program with our college, whoever interested in studying in Korea should have access to apply. Please refer to Annexes 1 and 2 for details.

Reminder: For most accurate information about Korea education, IES has provided a special email address as At the seminar, teachers will answer all questions. Make sure to email us as "Hanyang University seminar + name + major + student number”, for example.

Contact person: Ms. Li

Tel: 0757-88313984

Annex 1: Flow of the seminar

Annex 2: Participating method

Annex 1.


1. Overview of studying in Korea

2. Introduction to Hanyang University

3. Introduction to popular majors and employment prospects of Hanyang University

4. Update on the latest application policy of Hanyang University 2021

5. On-site communication and interaction

Annex 2.

How to participate

Step 1: Download Dingding.


Step 2:Register Dingding or Zhifubao


Step3: Join the Chating

Or click the following link to join the Dingding group chat of Hanyang University in Korea.

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