College News

The school library ‘sing the red song – strengthen the party spirit’ Chorus

The school library ‘sing the red song – strengthen the party spirit’ Chorus

To carry the revolutionary tradition and fine style of the Party and to stimulate love for the Party and socialism among teachers and students, on  July 1st, the Fourth Party Branch of the Organ, the Party Branch ofInternational Education School and the School Library held a choral activity of ‘Singing Red Songs to Celebrate the Centennial Activities’ in Virtue’s Square in Sanshui Campus. 

Vice President Yi Luxia and Librarian Hui Yanyan led the singing, and all members of the Library, the Party Branch of the Fourth Organ, the Party Branch of International Education School and student representatives participated in the chorus of ‘Without the Communist Party  no New China’ and ‘Sing a Mountain Song to the Party’.

As soon as the majestic melody of ‘No Communist Party, No New China’ was sung, the students and teachers in the audience immediately joined in the chorus with their fullest spirits, and the song echoed, various images of the revolutionary era came to their minds. The lyrics of ‘He persevered in the war for over eight years’ made people feel the hardships of the war and the happiness of today's life. The melody of ‘Sing a Mountain Song to the Party’ is sometimes sad and poignant, while at other times it is fierce and resounding, expressing Lei Feng's desire to follow the Party and make the revolution.

After the chorus, teachers and students were deeply moved. They said, ‘The happy life we have now was earned by our revolutionary forefathers with sweat and blood, and it is the spirit of the Party that has always led us forward, we cherish it, remember its history and never forget our original heart.’

The choral activity actively put into practice the educational ideology of ‘Preserve virtue, Prioritize learning’ by headmaster Kwong Bang-hung and the ‘Five-Entries’ educational practice activity of ‘into the library’, guiding all teachers and students to firmly believe in ideals, inherit the spirit, inspire patriotic power, also to  be a firm believer and faithful practitioner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, create a good patriotic atmosphere on campus to nurture people's hearts.