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Hui Yanyan, Associate Dean of the School of International Education, lectures on the cultivation of

In order to cultivate contemporary college students with an international perspective and create a good international atmosphere in the school, implement the 'Opinions on Strengthening and Improving Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities under the New Situation' issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, on the afternoon of March 25, 2021 With the help of the academic vision series lectures provided by the Youth League Committee and the Student Union of the school, Hui Yanyan, the deputy dean of the School of International Education, gave a special lecture on 'Looking Up at the Starry Sky and Down to the Ground-Thoughts on Cultivating Contemporary College Students' International Vision' for college students.

Hui Yanyan started with General Secretary Xi Jinping’s diplomatic philosophy with Chinese characteristics and the country’s first international exchange and cooperation as the mission of a university. He pointed out the importance of contemporary college students with an international perspective and international competitiveness. From the analysis of some current international issues, he put forward College students’ views on international issues should have the demeanor of a big country and a macro vision; from the sharing of higher education training models at home and abroad, talk about the mission and responsibilities of contemporary college students; from the lessons of the disintegration of Yugoslavia, it is pointed out that national unity is the country’s stable development and prosperity. Foundation and guarantee: From the perspective of 'only the nation is the world', talk about the importance of college students' in-depth understanding of the excellent Chinese traditional culture in telling Chinese stories and spreading Chinese voice.

More than 190 college students from the School of Engineering, the School of Accounting, the School of Management and the School of International Education attended this lecture. They all said that through the lectures, they had a clearer and comprehensive understanding of some international issues, and laid a good foundation for striving to cultivate a broad international vision.


(First Section of International Education College)