College News

Southern New Hampshire University paper-cutting activities

Southern New Hampshire University paper-cutting activities

On the afternoon of November 21, 2019, the School of International Education welcomed the visit of Southern New Hampshire University, and held a unique paper-cutting activity for the students of the 2018 and 2019 international classes in the Conference Room 2 of the Academic Center of the International Education Institute. Teachers Thomas Grubach and Jodie Cavanaugh will give an introduction to Southern New Hampshire University and campus festival culture.


Through paper-cutting activities, students can learn about American traditions and festivals, and also learn about the festival culture of Southern New Hampshire University. The students cut a variety of different forms of turkey according to their own preferences, and wrote the people they want to be grateful for on the turkey feathers, and these paper cuts have one thing in common, that is, everyone’s understanding of gratitude .


Teacher Thomas talked about letting students see with their eyes, listen with their ears, and feel with their hearts, so as to cultivate a feeling of gratitude in their hearts. This kind of gratitude not only includes treating parents, teachers, friends or opponents, but also treating all kinds of happy or sad emotions, which can be faced with a grateful heart. He also mentioned that life is a mirror. When you cry, she will cry, and when you laugh, she will also laugh. When you are grateful, life will also give you bright sunshine. The students were deeply touched. Finally, the event ended with everyone's laughter.

(International Education Institute Draft)